Patterns of abuse, abandonment, addictions, poverty, health conditions, self-sabotage, and many others are passed down through the generation of our family system, both biologically (through epigenetic transmission) and behaviorally (repeating behaviors and social learning).
These patterns can impact how you function in the world, including your internal, emotional well-being, in relationships, in our careers, and so much more, impacting our reactions, responses, behaviors, and overall well-being.
Many people with traumatic family histories who have done a lot of individual healing work (psychotherapy, meditation, yoga, somatic experiencing, spiritual practices, etc.) find that they sense that a piece of the puzzle is still missing. That “aha” that will help them make sense of why they’ve or their family has struggled in certain ways.
We’ll help you discover the patterns of intergenerational trauma that have been the program and script of your life so you can move forward with insight, consciousness, and a release of that which isn’t yours to carry and that no longer serves you.
Debbie DeMarco Bennett, BSc. is a researcher in the fields of inherited / ancestral trauma and epigenetics. She holds a Bachelors of Science degree from New York Institute of Technology with a focus in Behavioral Science. Debbie founded and runs an online coping skills school (DBT Path) for emotionally sensitive people (those suffering from emotional conditions such as borderline personality disorder, PTSD, and anxiety).
Her interest in ancestral trauma and healing, epigenetics, and genealogy stem from her own personal discovery of having a piece of her healing puzzle still feel missing, even after doing intense therapies, yoga, meditation, and reading tons of self-help books.
Discovering our connections biologically, behaviorally, and energetically with the trials and tribulations (and resiliency!) of our ancestors set her on a course of researching and teaching this fascinating subject.